Follow the Bunny Trail

Welcome to Bunny Trail in Downtown Brookings, where poetry, visual arts, and curiosity combine for a playful scavenger hunt. Start your adventure at the mural in the alley at 415 4th St. and look for twelve mischievous bunnies waiting to be discovered throughout the neighborhood.

Bouncing Down the Bunny Trail

by Bonnie Henningson

Tumbling down the rabbit hole, bouncing bunnies one and all!

Somersaults and cartwheels can make one dizzy, 

But oh, what fun to be this busy!

So the search is on to find that bunny.

Search far and wide, but keep it funny!

You can walk the words in a rhythmic beat, or if you'd rather, you can hop or leap.

You can hide in the clouds or cross the street, but whatever you do, keep moving your feet and

If you keep to the trail, you really can't fail. 

Enjoy the merry characters you see as you break into laughter and glee.

Keep your eyes open for a fluffy white tail

as you go bouncing down the bunny trail

Special Thanks

Muralist: Ali Hval

Poet: Bonnie Henningson with the South Dakota State Poetry Society

Bunny Creator: Erik Ritter

Mural Location: Kevin Grunewaldt